Adult Orthodontics Offers Several Effective Ways to Straighten Your Smile

A Boost in Confidence

Increased confidence can significantly improve your quality of life, extending to your social engagements, work performance, and relationships.

Oral Health Benefits

Misaligned teeth can make it a challenge to maintain proper oral hygiene, as hard-to-reach areas are difficult to brush and floss. A straight smile is easy-to-clean, lowering your risk of decay and gum disease.

More Comfort and Better Dental Function

Some patients with severe malocclusion experience regular discomfort, including soreness in their jaw, as well as difficulty chewing. Orthodontic treatment can alleviate these issues.

Invisalign vs. braces....what's the difference?

Invisalign vs. Braces Invisalign vs. Braces

Invisalign aligners do all the work, without ever being seen...

Invisalign on teeth Invisalign on teeth

But Isn't Orthodontic Treatment Expensive?

Fortunately, there are a range of treatment options available at varying price points, so you can choose the best option for your budget. It is important to keep in mind that your personal cost will depend on the extent of treatment required, your location, and the doctor’s expertise. Your insurance plan may also cover a portion of the cost.

Traditional metal braces typically range from about $3,000 to $7,000. Invisalign and ceramic braces are available for about $4,000 to $8,000. Lingual braces are more expensive, with an average cost of $8,000 to $10,000.

Let's see orthodontia in action...

What to Expect

Depending on whether you decide to receive braces or clear aligners, your orthodontic treatment process will typically follow one of two timelines:

Braces Timeline

The doctor will apply dental cement to the front of your teeth and strategically place a bracket on each tooth.

The wire and rubber bands will then be attached. 

Over the next 18 to 24 months or so, you will visit your doctor every four to eight weeks. Your doctor can evaluate your progress and make necessary adjustments. 

Clear Aligners Timeline

The doctor will take impressions of your teeth, which will be used to craft custom clear aligners. 

Every one to two weeks, you will receive a new set of aligners in the series. Each set will gradually straighten your teeth. 

Over the next 12 to 18 months, you will visit your doctor about every six weeks to ensure that your treatment is on track.

Once treatment is complete, you will receive a retainer to wear in the evenings. This will help you maintain your results.

Not sure if you're ready to commit to orthodontic treatment?

Orthodontic Treatment Can be Tailored to Your Lifestyle

While some patients with minor misalignment can improve the appearance of their smile with porcelain veneers, there is no substitute for the results that can be seen after full orthodontic treatment. Veneers only conceal imperfections and need to be replaced every few years. With adult orthodontics, you have several options that produce lasting results and can be tailored to your lifestyle.

Do not allow your smile to hold you back. Orthodontics can renew your self-confidence and transform your quality of life. Talk to your doctor and find out which treatment can help you achieve the smile you've been dreaming of.


Maintaining your oral health can help you improve your overall health and enhance your quality of life. Dr. Edward J. Zuckerberg


Maintaining your oral health can help you improve your overall health and enhance your quality of life. Dr. Edward J. Zuckerberg

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6825 Flanders Dr
Ste Z San Diego, CA 92121

Open Today 8:00am - 5:00pm

More Info Directions (858) 459-1182

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San Diego Office

6825 Flanders Dr
Ste Z San Diego, CA 92121

Open Today 8:00am - 5:00pm

More Info Directions (858) 459-1182


Maintaining your oral health can help you improve your overall health and enhance your quality of life. Dr. Edward J. Zuckerberg